In the news: Robben Island Museum’s Marketing Department has initiated a campaign to acknowledge the role that our youth played to fight for South Africa’s freedom and democracy. The youth of 1976 were brave and defiant to fight the apartheid system for fair and equal education.

Robben Island Museum Youth Month Special

Our Robben Island Adventure

We are encouraging today’s youth to acknowledge this history and to take interest by familiarising themselves with significant sites such as Robben Island Museum.

To do this, Robben Island are offering special discounted tickets to all South Africans under the age of 35. Discounted tickets are available at a rate of R225 for walk-in customers and may only be redeemed for the 11:00 and 13:00 mid-week tours. Customers will need to produce a valid South African Identification Document.

If the weather for the day is unfavourable and ferries are cancelled, the customer may reschedule for the next available midweek date.

This special will run from Saturday, 16 June to Saturday, 30 June 2018. Visitors can buy their tickets anytime between these dates.


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One Destination, 6 Unbelievable Experiences

There is no one way to explore all of the Cape Town Big 6, and much of what makes each of them so special is the variety of things to see and do at each. So if possible, take your time to explore each of the city’s most visited tourist attractions in as much depth as possible – as any local will tell you, you can spend a lifetime at each of the Big 6 and still not tire of them. Find the 3 and 4 day itineraries and tips here.

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