The World Responsible Tourism Awards at the World Travel Market has announced the introduction of the People’s Choice in Responsible Tourism award. And the V&A Waterfront needs your support!


Judges from the World Responsible Tourism Awards have nominated Cape Town Big 6 member the V&A Waterfront for inclusion in this category, and they need your help to win.

The V&A Waterfront, mixed use destination situtated in Cape Town’s working harbour was the Gold Winner in the Best Destination category last year. Judges recognised the V&A Waterfront for its achievements in the fields of local job creation, preserving maritime heritage, and supporting local arts and crafts.

And now, the V&A Waterfront needs you to help it claim top honours in the new People’s Choice category. The V&A Waterfront is up against nine other top destinations from around the world, and officials from the World Responsible Tourism Awards will crown the destination with the most votes the winner.

Anyone who votes in the competition is also eligible to win amazing prizes, including an eight-day walking holiday for two in Italy.

To vote for the V&A Waterfront, and enter the competition for the trip to Italy, visit the National Geographic Traveller website.