We all want the iconic shots to make our #Instagram sizzle and collect plenty those addictive hearts! Here are some Top Tips from Di Brown better known as @RoamingGiraffe

Tips to get the angles

We suggest you take the iconic shot that you have already seen on Instagram a million times and then take the time to explore a bit further and get the shot of the top attraction that appeals to you personally.

This encourages you to explore a bit deeper, get creative, and in the process have a fuller experience with each of the Big6 attractions.

By looking a little further past the obvious, then taking time to find the best angle and composing your shot you can create a great image that stands out as something representing an iconic attraction but taken with creativity showing a fresh perspective.

All you have to do is allow a little more time to look around, walk along the paths and be curious.

Please note: While getting the best shots takes some exploration, please adhere to rules at each attraction for the sake of preservation of nature and your safety. 

At Table Mountain, Kirstenbosch, Cape Point and Groot Constantia there are plenty of paths and viewpoints beyond the obvious, and although Robben Island offers a guided tour, there are more photo opportunities than the obvious ones. Think of close-ups of an object that fascinates you, a view from a super low or high angle or something at the attraction that not everyone knows about, but that appeals you.

Groot Constantia

The front view of the Manor House or a close up of a wine glass is almost compulsory, but you can wander around in the vineyards, walk up the hill to stunning views and the old baths or get up close to the 300 year old oak tree. TAG @grootconstantia


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Table Mountain

Get the shot in front of the 7 wonders of the world sign and the selfie with the 12 Apostles in the background, then hit the paths, scramble around the tracks and look for a great shot of the cable car with a Lion’s Head in the background. Walk a bit further to MaClear’s Beacon and photograph the paths, the steps and chains, the views from the cracks in the rocks looking over the city. The opportunities are endless. Take a look at the views from the various balconies at our WiFi lounge. TAG @tablemountainca


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V&A Waterfront

There are so many vantage points across the water, from bridges or from the top of the Cape Wheel. Grab a map and really discover the different districts of the V&A. TAG  @vandawaterfront


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Robben Island

The views of Table Mountain from the ferry are spectacular, but so are the shipwrecks, old buildings, plants and wildlife. This prison cells are frightening but also tell the triumph of the human spirit over adversity. Allow your picture to reflect what you found beautiful, what made you emotional or made you think. Tell your own story. TAG @robben_island


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Cape Point

The lighthouse and views from the top are mind-blowing, but there are so many paths, beaches, tidal pools, monuments, flowers and animals to discover here. TAG @capepointsa


Get your shot from the Boomslang walkway then wander through the paths that lead to high vantage points, through forests, over rivers and onto lawns. Get up close and personal with the birds and the flowers. TAG @kirstenbosch.garden.official

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#CTBig6 #LoveCapeTown


There is no one way to explore all of the Cape Town Big 6, and much of what makes each of them so special is the variety of things to see and do at each. So if possible, take your time to explore each of the city’s most visited tourist attractions in as much depth as possible – as any local will tell you, you can spend a lifetime at each of the Big 6 and still not tire of them. Find the 3 and 4 day itineraries and tips here.

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