The Grifizzi Brothers (Animal Free Circus) will be visiting and hosting a Children’s Circus Performance at North Wharf at the V&A Waterfront from 29 Sep – 9 Oct 2017

The performance tells the story of the moon, who’s tired of being lonely and hanging out in the dark sky, so she goes looking for happiness. She kisses the stars goodbye and follows the sound of the brass band coming from the circus tent far, far below.

With a Brazilian and SA team on stage, Carmen Maarmen on vocals, Lilian Khumalo as Mama Circus  (in Eng and Xhosa) and little Rory as the grumpy moon who by the end finds herself saving the day by learning how to shine!

The show is funny, with great artists and incredible musical score and wardrobe, even the adults will love it and the kids go completely mad.

With all this abundant creativity going on, the win is that we are teaching through the performing arts and taking South Africa one step closer towards an animal-free circus South Africa.

Look out for:

As part of the festivities throughout the day, characters will roam and entertain the public as well as hand out some free tickets to selected people!

Ferryman’s  – The existing Helicopter will be relocating this week, and a small Airstream Caravan (half loaf version) will take its place which will be the ticket sales booth.

Flagpole Terrace – Keep a look out for short flash mob shows! There will be 10-minute performances in the glob structure.

Watershed Sub Station – Vintage Fire Truck provided by Lormarins in association with Children’s Red Cross.

One Destination, 6 Unbelievable Experiences

There is no one way to explore all of the Cape Town Big 6, and much of what makes each of them so special is the variety of things to see and do at each. So if possible, take your time to explore the city’s most visited tourist attractions in as much depth as possible – as any local will tell you, you can spend a lifetime at each of the Big 6 and still not tire of them. Find the 3 and 4 day itineraries and tips here.
